Sternzeichen Löwe - Rosenquarz als Stein der Liebe

Zodiac sign Leo - rose quartz as a stone of love

Here you will find out everything about the zodiac sign Leo, its character traits and its supporters so that you can better cope with everyday life

astrological sign Leo

Between July 23rd and August 22nd everything is under the zodiac sign Leo (English astrological sign Leo). The zodiac sign Leo corresponds to the fifth section of the zodiac. His element is fire. The sun is the queen of the planetary system and of course rules the king of animals, the lion.

Leo - typical character traits

The zodiac sign Leo is strong and confident in themselves and has no problem showing it. That's why his personality is also passionate and confident. He is energetic and persistent in his determination to achieve his goals. He is particularly enthusiastic and doesn't know NO.

The perfect rose quartz power stone

Rose quartz is the ideal power stone for Leo. It is the best-known gemstone among the “love stones” and is said to open the heart, make you more empathetic and strengthen your caring and instincts. He also teaches Leo to be compassionate and show others the same. This power stone is said to heal the body chakra as well as be good for the soul chakra. Rose quartz, as a power stone, also strengthens the lion's sense of community and allows them to get along better in groups.

Engelsrufer has a special selection of jewelry with rose quartz. You can view them here

The combination of rose quartz, tiger eye and blue agate is essential for the lion. Tiger's eye provides balance and insight, while blue agate is said to promote health. The Engelsrufer women's bracelet in silver with these three meaningful stones can give its wearer a positive effect and strengthen them.

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